• "My son is constantly improving and he absolutely loves it...which is what it's all about!" - Frances, UK

  • "His book is a great accompaniment to the lessons and makes practice more fun and varied with the music to play along with! Super instructor and drummer!" - Nicole, UK

  • "I've struggled to find a drum teacher near us but this book has already helped with that" - Lauren, UK

Latest Release

The second book in the I Hit Drums syllabus "Intermediate - 1" is now available in both paperback and ebook formats. Written at a Grade 3 level, this is the perfect follow on from the first book in the series: "A Beginner's Guide".


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About I Hit Drums

The name I Hit Drums was first given to me in a previous band and has since become the name I use for my teaching practice and all of my educational material.

Whether your goal is to learn a song to play with friends or to start a professional career as a drummer, it all starts with the first lesson, so subscribe below to receive your FREE Groove starter pack and begin your drumming journey.